In Season Project

El Salvador

Historical Background...

About the frost…
Τhis particular coffee at approximately 10 days past roast undergoes a very
innovative process: it gets frozen at a temperature of -18 degrees Celsius, effectively
capturing the flavour of the coffee at that point in time. It is ground at its frozen state.
This results in its acidity remaining balanced and locking in all the aromas.
Freezing avoids the issue of coffee going stale, “stops the clock” on the ageing
process and preserves coffee at peak flavour.
About the origins…
Los Pirineos farm is located on a stand-alone, cone-shaped volcano and enjoys a
microclimate that is not replicable anywhere in the world. The farm is named after
mountain slopes that geographically resemble those of the Pyrenees Mountains in
Los Pirineos Coffee farm has been in the Baraona Family from more than 120 years,
since 1880. Gilberto Baraona was one of the most well-known faces in the coffee
industry and a 15 times winner of Cup of Excellence in El Salvador. Gilberto’s
children, Diego and Fabiona, follow in their father’s footsteps and insist on quality.
Santa Rosa is a small plot in the farm, where Red Bourbon is cultivated.
The climate and growing conditions in this area is great despite the medium altitudes.
The cold nights make the maturation slow and the flavor development really nice.
This Bourbon is part of a project to develop different types of naturals. In this case it
is produced as a natural dried carefully on raised beds for about 20 days. They
manage the flavor development and drying times by building up layers.

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FARMLos Pirineos, Santa Rosa microlot
COUNTRYEl Salvador
REGIONUsulutan, Tecapa-Chinameca
ALTITUDE1300 - 1500 m.a.s.l.
TASTE PROFILEPlums, dark raisin, caramel notes with medium acidity and milk chocolate aftertaste


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